Inclusion Leadership
Meaningful change doesn’t happen in organizations from traditional training alone, It happens when they embrace a shared purpose.
Connections Program
Unlike most traditional diversity programs, the Connections program helps strengthen rather than further fragment work communities.
WOW Service
The Managing for WOW Service program is designed to help organizations desiring to transform their service culture.
Coaching for Results
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Improved Performance
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Performance Reviews
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Challenging Customers
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“Powerful and compelling, the Creating Thriving Work Communities program has been a mandatory course in our training institute for the past four years. We believe this course, which has received rave reviews, has helped prepare our managers for the challenges of leading their increasingly diverse work groups and for helping Bethesda Health Group become an exceptional place to work.”Kathy Joslin Sr. V.P. Human Resources and Marketing Bethesda Health Group
Meet the FCG Team
Our team has experiences in successfully transforming businesses by strengthening the interactions between managers ~ employees and employee ~ employees…check us out!