Inclusive Leadership: Creating a Culture of Belonging

Let's face it. If CEO commitment statements, hiring accomplished DEI professionals, inclusion surveys, establishing ERGs, and changing policies and practices worked to produce inclusive cultures, organizations would have made much more progress in this area. But unfortunately, the truth is that these are "stroke of a pen" and "check the box" efforts that, while well-intentioned, struggle to produce meaningful change in organizational cultures.

The real work of establishing inclusive workplaces must come from leaders acting in ways that create feelings of belonging among all employees. That work takes time and organizational commitment to hire, promote, develop, and reward inclusive leaders.

The Inclusive Leadership course provides leaders, regardless of level and tenure, the mindset, insight, and practical tools needed to operate as inclusive leaders in any organizational setting. 

The Inclusive Leadership workshop moves leaders well past the dead-end of unconscious bias, allyship,  and antiracism training, which is clearly in vogue now. Instead, this workshop shows leaders how to create inclusive work cultures where people thrive, regardless of their background.

The Inclusive Leadership workshop moves leaders well past the dead-end of unconscious bias, allyship,  and antiracism training, which is clearly in vogue now. Instead, this workshop shows leaders how to create inclusive work cultures where people thrive, regardless of their background.

Inclusive Leadership workshop topics:

  • Understanding inclusion and why it matters 

  • Recognize inclusion as a condition for employees and an act of leaders

  • From difference to distance: a mindset shift for inclusive leadership   

  • Understand the link between bias, distance, and inclusive leader behavior   

  • Examine the impact of distance on individuals, teams, and organizational effectiveness 

  • From comfort to connection, the inclusive leader’s journey 

  • Acts and actions of inclusive leaders


  • Highly interactive one-day in-person workshop

  • Format can be modified to be delivered virtually in two three-hour sessions. 

Intended Audience:

  • People leaders at all levels in the organization